Community Update: Summer 2022

 All of us at WM remain committed to Stony Hollow Landfill and being a trusted waste and recycling partner in the Dayton community. 

We are also aware how important it is for us to remain steadfast in our commitment to our community and the environment. We will continue to use the highest safety standards and closely monitor all the site safeguards we have in place at Stony Hollow Landfill. 

As you know, our team has worked diligently to resolve the odor issues and we continue to do so. We are maintaining all existing programs and odor control systems. Overall, the site continues to show improvements in reducing and eliminating offsite odors. We remain pleased with our controls and actions to reduce odors. 

We are making good progress on our construction plans for 2022. We recently completed the on-site wastewater pre-treatment plant for our leachate (Information on the following pages).


Your Stony Hollow Landfill Team

Community Support

On April 22nd , WM team members, alongside the Dayton Community, and Wilberforce University celebrated Earth Day by conducting a local community litter clean-up along Gettysburg Road, as well as constructing a beautification project at the Gettysburg Lake along-side Reverend Ril Beatty. Recently Reverend Beatty was named a Dayton Community Gem for his Mountaintop Ministries work with youth at the lake. While WM owns the lake, we are delighted his contributions are recognized as a community gem that positively impact the Dayton community.

Site Activities

Our site activities continue to focus on routine monitoring and inspection programs, assuring the extensive control systems now in place continue to function at their peak. We continue to maintain gas collection systems and the odor control improvements made with the installation of the cover shown below. 

What’s New for 2022?

We completed and now operate on-site wastewater pre-treatment plant for our leachate. After receiving agency and local wastewater approvals we completed the construction of an on-site pretreatment system for our generated leachate. The pre-treated leachate meets our discharge permit requirements and is discharged via a dedicated sewer line directly to the City of Dayton Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). There will be no impact to current operations. The work continues to provide site improvements to our operations. 

In conjunction with the on-site pretreatment plant, the construction of the dedicated gravity sewer line from Stony Hollow Landfill to the Dayton WRF is substantially complete and is fully functional. The pipeline only conveys pre-treated leachate from our facility in accordance with the approved permits. Construction of the sewer line is adjacent to Guthrie Road and the restoration portion of the project is expected to be completed by late summer. 

Odor Surveillance Program 

Our routine odor surveillance continues at a frequency of one time per day, five days a week with two additional random surveys performed each week. We continue to investigate and document all odor complaints received. Since 2016, we have experienced more than a 99% reduction in the number of odor complaints received annually. In 2022, we have not received any odor complaints related to the landfill. Since activating the cap, a decrease in intensity and scope of odors continues. Results are maintained on site and are available for agency inspection. As we continue any site maintenance and gas well installation work, we will issue potential odor alert notifications when we expect there’s a potential for off-site odors. 

We also continue to share monitoring activities at the quarterly Stony Hollow Forum attended by members of the community, City Staff, Solid Waste District staff, Ohio EPA and Moraine. 

Odor Alert Line Remains in Place: We continue to maintain several ways for individuals to notify us of potential odors. The Stony Hollow Landfill Odor Alert Line is open for messages at 937-356-6203. You can also file an odor alert online at 

Odor Management Plan Remains in Place: We maintain the Ohio EPA approval on our odor management plan described above. We continue to operate in accordance with the approved plan and are committed to update the plan as necessary as site activities dictate. The Ohio EPA sets clear guidelines and measurement criteria in their approval of the revised plan. 

No Changes to Synthetic Cap: The synthetic cap and gas well collection system continues to function and perform well. This system continues to control odors and proactively address future issues. We routinely inspect the area to assure its continued effectiveness. Our site gas technicians are on site for routine inspections to ensure all wells are operating properly and the vacuum is being applied. Gas well monitoring and tuning of the well field continues. We continue to evaluate routine additions to our landfill gas collection systems and will provide notice for any activity in 2022.

Gas Well Construction in 2022: Each year, WM plans for ongoing construction and maintenance activities to Stony Hollow’s landfill gas collection system. The planned gas construction for 2022 consists of new and replacement gas collection wells west along the west slope (along Gettysburg Road) and associated pipelines.