Stony Hollow Landfill Community Update: July 20, 2017

Since receiving the Ohio EPA Final Findings & Orders on May 3, we have been working diligently and have completed several key action items.  As promised, we will continue to keep you all informed as we work to comply with the Final Orders.  The following highlights several key action items:

Synthetic Cap Extension Preparation Continues:  In accordance with the order we began preparing to extend the synthetic cap over approximately 5 plus acres. This is a proactive measure that should further enhance our control of odors. Construction activities include soil grading, laying geotextile and seaming panels of the HDPE synthetic material over the area.  Photos capturing the action will be posted in the website so check back frequently to see the progress. The cap will be completed no later than August 31st.

Drilling Complete for Necessary Updates to the Gas Well Collection Network:  While the new landfill gas extraction wells in the next phase of the proposed cap area were completed and vacuum applied in late June, as part of our normal construction process, we are continuing with well installation in other areas of the landfill.   No drilling work is occurring over the weekend but employees are on site for daily inspections.

Air Monitoring Enhancements:  We continue with sampling of our ambient air monitoring, adding more monitors and conducting more laboratory testing to ensure the air in and around the landfill is safe for our employees and our neighbors. RAPCA is conducting periodic monitoring in the community during these activities. RAPCA has updated their website with the ambient air monitoring data and community air monitoring data and will update the site with new results as they are received and after they have undergone Ohio EPA review. To date no levels above health standards have been detected. More information can be found at

Odor Surveillance: We continue to conduct odor surveillance three times a day, seven days a week. Results are maintained on site and available for agency inspection. Since activating the cap in late January, we have seen promising results. The third-party consultant has reported a decrease in intensity and scope of odors in the daily odor surveys.

Odor Management Plan: The order sets clear guidelines and measurement criteria that must be met before the Ohio EPA will give approval for any changes.

Here is a link to the orders on the Ohio EPA public document website:

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