Community Update: November 8, 2017

As the fall weather arrived we completed the 2017 construction season. We have completed a number of significant items this year and as we noted in our last update all of the Ohio EPA Final Findings & Orders issued on May 3, were completed, meeting all compliance dates. While we have met all the agency orders on time, we remain committed to our site inspections and monitoring all the important structures we now have in place.

Here is a more complete update on all activities: 

Synthetic Cap Extension Completed: On August 26, 2017, we completed the extension of the synthetic cap, covering an additional 8 acres, including the completion of the pipe boots and applying vacuum. This proactive measure should further enhance our control of odors. We routinely inspect the area to assure its continued effectiveness.  

Drilling Complete for Necessary Updates to the Gas Well Collection Network:  All gas well drilling was completed in August and piping installation work is also completed. Our site gas technicians are on site for daily inspections to ensure all wells are operating properly and the vacuum is being applied. Gas well monitoring and tuning of the well field continues. 

Air Monitoring: We continue with sampling of ambient air monitoring. RAPCA updates their website with the ambient air monitoring data received and after they have undergone Ohio EPA review. More information can be found at  

Odor Surveillance: We continue to conduct odor surveillance three times a day, seven days a week. Results are maintained on site and available for agency inspection. Since activating the cap the third-party consultant has reported a decrease in intensity and scope of odors in the daily odor surveys.  As we continue site maintenance work, we will issue potential odor alert notifications when we expect the potential for off-site odors. 

Odor Management Plan: The order sets clear guidelines and measurement criteria that must be met before the Ohio EPA will give approval for any changes. We continue to operate in accordance with the plans outlined in the order.

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